Village meeting re Bayley Arms. Everyone invited.

26th of November, 2024

Village Meeting about The Bayley Arms

Hurst Green Memorial Hall

Monday 9th December 7 pm


Chair: Margaret Carrington, Parish Council Chair


  1. Explanation re the opportunity.
    1. About the Asset of Community Value
    2. Business Models for a Community Pub.
  2. Risks and Benefits
  3. The experience of running a community pub (TBA)
  4. Contributions/comments from attendees.
    1. (please contact clerk on [email protected] if you wish to speak so that we can add you to the agenda)
  5. Next steps
    1. (formation of a steering group by interested parties if applicable)


This is a draft agenda to be updated with names of speakers but sent out to allow for your early attention.


Useful resources for preparation






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